The Library of Treasures

Reset the wrists

The wrists are associated with our ability to navigate the details of life with grace and ease. Here we utilize conscious movements and breaths to reset and realign the wrists.

Supercharge any meal with this quick and easy superfood

Learn how to make a super green pesto (with or without dairy)


Building the sun salutation

In this 15 minutes practice, we link breath to movement as we build a form of the sun salutation (surya namaskar) from the ground up

Explore some of my go to wellness tools & products

I’ve compiled some lists of things you might like to incorporate into your every day. No need to overwhelm yourself. But, it always nice to try something new…

Face Massaging Basics

A short, simple massage to help move the lymph and open the eyes

An alternate start to the morning

Step outside, or look outside, and get the breath and body moving to start your day with fresh eyes and a positive outlook

Shine an internal light and feel fully integrated

An audio recording of a body scan that will leave you rested and well situated in yourself

Drop into the breath, drop out of the mind

This is an 8 minute breathing practice that is accessible and appreciated


Current class schedule & On-demand library

Personalized Instruction (online and in-home)

Investigate how to best utilize the tools of the practice to balance stability and ease; grounding and expansion. Working together to return to your natural state of pure absolute awareness, consciousness and bliss.